Additional Surface Results From The Don Julio Project


TORONTO, ON - Sable Resources Ltd reported additional geochemical assay results from the Phase 2 work – drill target definition program at the Don Julio Project, San Juan Province, Argentina.

A total of 515 - rock chip samples were collected this year accompanying detailed geological mapping over an area of 5x5 km characterized by fragmental volcanic rocks, hydrothermal breccias and domes affected by high-sulphidation epithermal alteration related to a multi-phase volcanic edifice. The purpose of the sampling is to test gold anomalism of alteration at surface and define drill targets interpreted to be 200-400m below the surface alteration.

The results from a new batch of geochemical analysis from 94 surface rock chip grab samples. The majority of results are from the Heaven Hill (72 samples) with other samples from Esperanza (11 samples), and the remainder from other peripheral zones. All grab samples are selective by nature and values reported may not be representative of mineralized zones.

The Heaven Hill target is characterized by a large 1.8km by 400m advanced argillic alteration zone characterized by quartz-alunite and dickite. Gold bearing hydrothermal breccias and a series of radial silica-alunite-dickite and vuggy silica ledges cut the area and represent expressions of Sable's intended drill targets 200-400m below the surface alteration zones. Of the 72 samples from Heaven Hill release 38 returned values greater than 0.05g/t gold. High mercury values (greater than 1g/t) indicate a low level of erosion above the mineralized system.

The Esperanza target is part of a 1.6 x 0.5 km mineral center affected by two mineralizing events hosted by the same fragmental volcanic rock observed in Heaven Hill cut by dacitic domes and phreatic breccias. A thin layer of post-mineral epiclastic and pyroclastic rocks covers the central zone of Esperanza. 7 of the 11 new results reported values greater than 0.05g/t gold in alteration. These samples are mostly from the western limit of the Esperanza target zone and better define the robust gold anomaly associated with the large alteration footprint of this target zone.

Ruben Padilla, Sable Vice-President of Exploration commented "The majority of the additional geochemical results reported in this press release are from the Heaven Hill target. They reinforce the quality of the target which is characterized by a large footprint of low-grade gold pervasive quartz-alunite-dickite rimmed by smectite-illite-chlorite alteration and cut by higher gold grade vuggy silica ledges and silicified breccia dikes, all associated with anomalous mercury values. This is typical of well preserved advanced argillic epithermal systems where the high grade silica narrow ledges and breccia dikes are considered the style of mineralization that we are targeting below the large quartz-alunite blanket"